Saturday 9 May 2009

Sorry I've been remiss


I hadn't even realized it had been so long since I had left an update. The trouble is (partly) that I share the computer and am last on the list for my turn. I have had lots of stuff swimming around that I was planning to talk about and didn't get around to. I haven't even been on twitter!

I have found this week a bit tougher than last. I was hungry after getting back from my friends leaving do having had a couple of drinks. I always find alcohol and dieting a bad combination as is makes me hungry and breaks down my defenses. Then on Thursday night I had a salt and vinegar crisp craving. A friend asked me what my downfall food is, well that's it, salt and vinegar crisps.

I don't know if I will have lost anything for tomorrow's weigh in because I don't feel I have been good enough. The kids wanted roast dinner so I cooked one today, followed by rhubarb crumble and custard!

Another reason I am dubious that I will have lost anything is that I started my exercise programme. This sounds stupid I know but in the past I have not lost weight on weeks when I started to exercise despite having stuck to the plan! People have told me that this is because muscle weighs more than fat, which I know is true; I just find it hard to believe I put on that significant amount of muscle in one week!

One of the things I did find interesting this week was again on Dr Reagan's show (this time health spa) regarding exercise. They talked about NEAT (non exercise activity thermogenesis) which refers to the energy we expend in all the activities we do that are not formal exercise. They took a man and measured various aspects of his health and then asked him to increase his activity levels.

He did this by walking and taking the bus instead of the car to work, walking any journey which would take half an hour or less, cooking some family meals, washing-up, and vacuuming. (Oh no another reason for my husband to give why I should do the housework "un-hindered")

At the end of the three weeks there had been significant improvement in his fitness. (Not his weight though because he had eaten more!) So perhaps the old adage about taking the stairs has more to it than I had realised.

Wishing you health and happiness,


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