Monday, 4 May 2009

Race for Life

I intended to do this as a vlog but haven't managed to organise it as being bank holiday the children were here. The clip of me weighing in is here but has me wittering on it instead of explaining it! Click here for my weigh-in video

It says on the clip that I have lost 3lbs but it was actually four as I cheekily weighed myself midweek.

I started my exercise plan today with 30 mins of power walking and gentle jogging followed by a brisk walk home of a further 10 mins. I am aiming to enter this years Race for Life ... a 5k all female event in aid of Breast Cancer. Hopefully I should be able to run the whole distance by that time. I will keep you posted.

I'm still feeling quite motivated with the diet at the moment although today I feel that I ate more than I should have done at lunch time, though it was relatively healthy. Planning to stick to more or less the same diet as last week because it seems to be going quite well. Might try out some new recipes and give some feed back if I ever finish my friends decorating!

Have a great week,

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