Thursday, 25 June 2009

Lighter life

Hi everybody,

Well it's been pretty nice weather and the other day when I went for my run I took it fairly gently because it was so warm. A lady I passed on route said "You seem to be enjoying that", and do you know I really was.

When I get to this point with my running I usually begin to wonder why I ever stopped in the first place. Sure enough I can rationalize about sore joints and things, and I know that last year it was due do a sprain that took three months to heal. But nonetheless I wonder I can forget that feeling.

I came across a picture today which is proof positive if I needed any that quick fix diets don't work. Her name is Jackie Cox and she is the founder of Lighter Life. This is a diet based on shakes and claims, through counselling, to get to the bottom of weight loss issues during the period of food abstinence.

Jackie clearly still has issues

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kim

    I thought I'd visit as you're following me on twitter. I love your intro motivational video and really wish you the best success. Your post about enjoying your run and getting a positive comment is so good. That's what puts an extra spring in our step and makes it all worth while. Good on you. You are going to get what you want!
